Chuck says: When I first asked Adam to do this, I really didn't give him any ideas on character design. I just told him "post-apocalyptic, and make them look cool," or something to that effect. But I'm pleased with what he came up with, though I still wish Teran had a different haircut that's easier to draw.

Adam says: This page, comprised of character sketches, comes from the fact that I didn't do anything as far as cleaning all summer and my fiancee was not going to return to my house being completely junked if I had anything to say about it. Unfortunately, that precluded doing an actual comic.
Dim Bulb Comics, all images and characters, along with everything else, contained within this site are ™ and © of their respective owners. Don't steal from us. We're bloody poor.

Also, my friend Zaene has a bat and a lot of free time to hunt you down.
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