Chuck says: The biggest problem with the first chapter was that it was all exposition and setup. This page exemplifies why I needed Adam--I'd have put the stuff from page 1 and this page together in one page with a hell of a lot of text, not so many pictures, and nothing nearly so well-drawn. I wouldn't have thought of drawing random people for this.

Adam says: This page is as much a product of one man's rambling ideas as anything. The way each panel is floating separately is due to the fact that I'd finally figured out how to do transparency with .GIFs. The guy, Scott something...I forget now, said that webcomics should take full advantage of the medium and break out of the page-style constraints that come from paper. You'll notice that I didn't really ever go back to this...mostly because I needed the extra drawing space.
Dim Bulb Comics, all images and characters, along with everything else, contained within this site are ™ and © of their respective owners. Don't steal from us. We're bloody poor.

Also, my friend Zaene has a bat and a lot of free time to hunt you down.
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